House Votes to Invest in Waterway Infrastructure


Date: Dec. 8, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the House passed legislation that addresses the needs of waterways infrastructure throughout the country. Following votes, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) released this statement:

"Today, the House passed legislation that will help to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of waterways systems throughout the nation. These systems are vital sources of drinking water for our communities, transportation for our businesses, and places of enjoyment for our families. Included in this legislation are important reforms to encourage greater oversight of water infrastructure projects around the country while giving local voices a stronger say in project selection. These improvements for our drinking water and infrastructure will be critically important not only here in Illinois, but across the nation.

"As the House concluded its legislative business today by passing a continuing resolution to fund the government through April 28, 2017, the next step in working for the American people begins. And, as the Majority Leader said in closing, we are looking forward to a busy and productive 115th Congress."
